Ecology of Consciousness
The Alchemy of Personal, Collective, and Planetary Transformation
2017. Oakland, CA: Reveal Press - New Harbinger Publications
Available from New Harbinger Publications
In this book, I offer a distillation of fifty years of exploration and discovery of the many realms of consciousness - from the recesses of the human unconscious, through the shared realities of family and culture, to the cosmic visions in expanded states of consciousness.
In my fifty years of learning, guiding and teaching in the contexts of psychotherapy and exploration of non-ordinary states of consciousness, I have been privileged to learn from hundreds of students, clients and fellow explorers. In the work described in this book, we've drawn on the methods and principles of the shamanism, alchemy and yoga, as well as the groundbreaking discoveries of depth psychology, modern neuroscience and the sciences of the macrocosmos and microcosmos.
The objective descriptions of realms described by our material sciences can again by integrated with the internal observations from shared visions and dreams. From pre-birth to after death realms we can learn from and participate in the discoveries of the mystics and visionary explorers. We can learn how to use our innate spiritual intelligence and navigate our states of consciousness for healing and guidance.