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Birth of a Psychedelic Culture 
Conversations about Leary, the Harvard Experiments, Millbrook and the Sixties


Ram Dass and Ralph Metzner, with Gary Bravo
Foreword by John Perry Barlow

2010. Synergetic Press, Santa Fe, NM


Available from Synergetic Press


“An enchanted treasure chest, overflowing with insightful dialogues, fascinating anecdotes, valuable historical accounts and never before published material about the origins of modern psychedelic culture, by the people who helped create it.”  –  David Jay Brown. 


“Ram Dass, Timothy Leary and Ralph Metzner dedicated their knowledge, passion and physical lives to a detailed study of human physio-psychology-spirit. This book shows how their rigorous use of scientific method, combined

with courageous personal experience, astounded and educated millions.”  

–  John Allen.


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